Kelly’s Philosophy

Evolving Healing Arts was created in 2012 by Dr. Kelly DeRuvo after years of study.  Kelly nurtures the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of each client by providing services based on their individual needs. She works with souls of all ages including animals, elements of nature and the earth. This extends into businesses, planning and development as well as physical structures. The services and classes offered empower you for your highest good wherever you apply that in your life.

As a Physical Therapist, Kelly’s focus has been on orthopedic and neurologic care, manual therapy and dry-needling. As a Shamanic Practitioner she holds space as a conduit for profound knowledge and healing in many forms from this life, past life entanglements, transgenerational trauma and shadow work.  Her experience as a Physical Therapist and Shamanic Practitioner have given her understanding of the seen and unseen factors that influence life.  Discovering and transforming the layers of what has manifested, Kelly effectively helps clients heal and live freely as their best selves. Working in expansive ways to address physical illness and relationships led her to study the knowing field in Family Systems & Constellations. This tool has allowed Kelly to assist people in a different setting, with profound transcendence. Using all of these modalities in an ever-evolving way, brought Kelly to where she is today, as you read this.

You will work together to bring positive change to your life. Services are available at any distance. For more information, and to change your story, contact Kelly.