Soul retrieval is a shamanic healing process by which parts of your soul that have been lost are returned and integrated into you so you can by more present in your life. Everyone has a soul body that is collection of your soul’s experiences and soul parts. Soul parts are the essence and special gifts that you possess and make you uniquely and wonderfully, you.
After an event or a series of events occur that injure us mentally, spiritually, physically or emotionally, the loss of a soul part can occur. In shamanism, the part of the soul that leaves has been injured by what has taken place. The injured soul part leaves your physical body so that you may carry on in this world. Soul loss can occur at any age, from various life events and experiences. Soul loss is different for everyone and what causes it in you, may not have the same outcome in someone else.
These losses can be caused from the passing of a loved one, the end of a relationship, a car accident, physical trauma, emotionally or physically abusive relationships, interactions with ourselves or others that result in a part of our spirit leaving our physical body and a loss of personal power. An important thing to remember is soul loss is relevant to the person who is suffering from it, it is not defined by level of trauma incurred.
An example of this would be if you were involved in a car accident and cannot recall the details even if you were awake. The part of your soul that absorbed the trauma left and took the memory of the event with it. The results can be a “spaced out” feeling, suffering memory loss, alienation, disconnection with our lives or families, of the feeling of something being missing – even if you are unsure what it is.
The daily dialogue you have with yourself and those around you can cause soul loss. For example, an adventurous child who loves to climb trees is always being told not to climb a tree, the adventurous part of that child’s soul may leave. If you repeatedly tell yourself in the mirror that your body isn’t good enough, those thought forms are reinforcing a negative belief that may result in soul loss. The artist who no longer has inspiration to paint, the actor with stage fright, the mother who has no energy to care for her children—can all be a result of soul loss.
These losses can create illness, drug abuse, anxiety, depression. You can experience loss of interest, anger, sadness and grief. Physical symptoms can be chronic injury, illness, disease, coma or death. When there is separation of the soul part, it creates a void of energy in your soul body, potential opportunity for other energies to occupy that space. This results in changes in your physical body, mental and emotional issues, even your lifestyle. The manifestation of symptoms is your soul’s way of calling out for healing. Often, you are not aware of these losses as you move through life—feeling different or ill.
By receiving soul retrieval, the negative effects can be diminished and reversed, illnesses cured, pain relieved. Meaningful healing can occur and connection with yourself re-established. It is beautiful and life-affirming to stand in your power after welcoming home a part of who you are. You may notice changes in vision, ability to sleep better, vivid dreams and an overwhelming feeling of peace. You are giving yourself the gift of being authentically you.
Featured image by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash