Shamanic Healing is the use of shamanic tools, techniques and rituals to bring healing, knowledge, and gifts. Shamanism and its healing practices have been documented over 100,000 years ago in the earliest humans. It is was the job of the tribal shaman to gain information for healing, as well as nomadic movements in order for the tribe to hunt and survive. Today, the Shamanic Practitioner works with helping spirits to perform various healing tasks, rituals and to retrieve information. This is done by entering a trance state in order to access the helping spirits or “journey”. The Shamanic Practitioner then brings the healing and information back into the space for the client. Each healing session brings what you are ready to receive.
As a shamanic practitioner, Kelly works with you to address entanglements, blockages, and patterns to bring you healing that benefits you the most. She supports you integrating what you receive. In-person or long distance sessions are structured similarly. You will see your life transform and gain insight to help yourself move forward on your journey.
Kelly often works with pets and livestock. Animals are an investment of love, time and resources. Their behavior, illness, who/how they relate in the home, including other pets and animals, causes stress for all involved. It is beautiful to see a pet’s joy and health restored. The shift to peace in the home is remarkable.
Shamanic Healing Techniques
- Soul Retrieval
- Compassionate Depossession
- Extraction Healing
- Psychopomp (healing the dead)
- Power Retrieval
- Power Animal Retrieval
- Past-life Healing
- Curse Unraveling
- Ancestral Healing
- Shadow work (transforming and acceptance)
- Ritual Development
- Divination
- End of Life Transitions
- Pet and livestock Healing
Space Clearing and Blessing
The spaces you live in, work in and congregate in have their own energy, their own soul. The ground they are built on, the intention during the building process and the materials themselves exchange energy. After a space is constructed it is influenced by the people spending time in it, the activities taking place and what gets left behind in that space.
Living, working and sharing a container that has stagnant or otherwise disruptive energy distracts from a peaceful, productive environment. The behavior of your family, business or community can be improved by healing or clearing a space as well as performing rituals specific to the space itself, to bring the energy into alignment. A new home or business can be blessed to bring the best outcome for the space and everyone in it.
Shamanic Journeying
Everyone has the ability to journey. This skill is useful regardless your profession or calling. You can learn how to access your helping spirits and power animals to heal, gain insight, and have enriching experiences. It is fun to learn and practice, plus you always get something meaningful out of it. Kelly really enjoys teaching journeying techniques while you embrace a natural gift. Journeying can help you navigate your life with more power and joy.
Harner Shamanic Counseling
Harner Shamanic Counseling was developed by Michael Harner, an archaeologist and shaman. He authored several books including The Way of the Shaman and lectured globally on shamanism until his recent passing. He was credited with reintroducing shamanism into mainstream culture. Harner began offering this technique through The Foundation for Shamanic Studies as a way to assist in personal problem-solving. Harner Shamanic Counseling is a format for teaching shamanic divination methodology individually. You will learn how to obtain information from your helping spirits in a specific series with the support of Kelly. It is a powerful, transformative experience and tool.
Feature photo at top by Valeriy Andrushko on Unsplash